Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Impact of Words

In an e-mail received by me citing an editorial titled "Ha! Made you look!" Or, how to capture -- and keep -- your visitors' attention, marketing guru Derek Gehl revealed some useful information about wording and positioning of words on webpages. A study was referenced (Eyetracker III) revealing that website visitors almost always view words before images. This provides an opportunity to tout the benefits of a service or product.

Where the words appear can impact your bottom line. It seems as if visitors focus mostly on the one-third part of a headline or text appearing on the left side. This signifies that the most attention grabbing or important words should appear there- at the begining of a headline for example.

The final piece of information is that we have a maximum of ten seconds to grab the interest of visitors. If their attention is not captured by within that time they are likely to leave without developing an interest in the site.



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