Tuesday, September 11, 2007

When Self-Interests Clash With Ideals

Chuck Colson's essay Gone with the Wind Farm is a reminder that when lofty ideals and selfish interests come into conflict it is often the former that suffers for it. The lofty ideal in this case is caring for the environment and the selfish interests belong to some wealthy homeowners at Martha's Vineyard and Cape Cod. The selfishness involves a proposal to construct an environmentally friendly wind farm consisting of 130 wind turbines. Many advantages accrue from this type of energy source. Since there is no fossil fuel combustion resources are conserved and pollution alleviated. This type of home grown energy also lessens the dependence of the United States on unreliable foreign sources. There are economic, political and environmental benefits to be gained.

So what is the drawback? The proposed wind farm might be barely visible on a clear day to some of those wealthy homeowners previously alluded to. That panoramic view they have might be slightly compromised and we cannot have that can we? So far the rich and powerful residents of one of America's most exclusive residential areas have had their way and the wind farm remains an idea rather than a reality. It looks like it is up to us less affluent types to take up the environmental burden.



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