Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Beetle Infestation of Honeybee Hives

Beetles' Attack On Bee Hives May Contribute To Colony Collapse Disorder is a Science Daily article describing honey bee problems with a beetle pest. An "alarm chemical" naturally produced within honey bee hives attracts small hive beetles whose infestations may be a contributory factor to the phenomenon that has become known as colony collapse disorder or CCD. European honeybees were bred for docility and behavior that made it easier to work with them. Not surprisingly they have been less able to cope with beetle infestation than their more aggressive African bee cousins.

The combination of small hive beetle and yeast infestations can lead to very messy honeycombs. This in turn can induce honeybees to abandon their hives to beetles which then consume food provided at the cost of honeybee energy. This is beneficial to beetles but not to honeybees. It is hoped that knowledge gained about the process of beetle infestation and hive abandonment will lead to counter measures that protect honeybees. Honeybees greatly enhance agricultural output.



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