Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Search Engine Optimization Strategies

Getting Search Engine Optimization Right is the title of an article aimed at the legal community however, the information contained is relevant to non-legal businesses. The article reveals that it is contrary to Google policy to buy or sell links for the purpose of improving the ranking of one's own site with Google. According to the article the top three positions for search results account for about 70 per cent of total clicks. That came as a surprise to me.

Search engine owners have a natural incentive to please their customers. Therefore websites consumers find more useful will accrue ranking benefits.. What I found to be very informative was the description of how search engines go about evaluating the content of web pages. The term keyword density is useful because it refers to the frequency with which keywords or phrases appear. Keywords are counted and weighted a little more heavily when they appear in the title of a page or in the URL.

But what else goes into ranking? Links. How many other websites link to you and how significant are these sites? As the author pointed out the New York Times website will be thought of as more important than the website of an obscure individual.

Search engine optimization strategy is an important issue for businesses with websites and the linked article makes some valuable points relevant to SEO.



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