Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Spirit Of God

I recently got to know an individual known as Pastor Ed. He pastors Crossroads Calvary Chapel in South Plainfield, New Jersey. As an e-mail recipient to messages he writes I received When God Pours Out His Spirit. Quoting from the linked message:

Throughout the history of mankind, the Scriptures indicate that God has put His Spirit upon individuals that they might accomplish God's work and will in their lives.

The Spirit of God enables believers to act in furtherance of God's will for them. God also enables us to discern his will. More from Pastor Ed:

When God began to pour out His Spirit upon all believers at Pentecost we began to see the fulfillment of this prophesy. Not that the specific parts were fulfilled but the Spirit being poured out. The fulfillment will come in the Day of the Lord and will involve Israel. But until that Day, God is pouring His Spirit out upon HIs people.

When Jesus spoke of these things, He indicated that the Spirit would abide in us. Not come and go, as with Saul or Samson. But remain with us, never leaving us not forsaking us! Calling to our remembrance the Scriptures, leading us, guiding us in all truth, comforting us, helping us. Being God with us in these days!

The Spirit of God does not forsake believers because of their failings but rather is permanently available to believers. Another quote:

In both Testaments we see wonderful works of God done through average, normal individuals upon whom the power of the Spirit of God has come. As we ask and keeping asking, seek and keep seeking, knock and keep knocking, how much more God will give us of His Holy Spirit. Let's be seeking more of Him and less of us in our lives.

It is the "more of us" that limits more of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Our natural inclinations tend to be at variance with those of the Spirit. That's why repentence is a necessary part of following God's will. Repentence forsakes our own will when it conflicts with God's will.

The more of us phrase also clues us in as to what Paul meant when he wrote that he is strong when he is weak. The strength, of course, coming from God. When we are strong we are less troubled by doubts about our actions. Confidence in our own views of what is right makes it less likely that we are open to the convicting influence showing us we are not. If we are on the wrong course and not receptive to indications that we err, we are not likely to discern God's will.

PS: Here is the URL to the webpage of an organization with some good apologetics resources for those interested in creation/evolution/design issues:



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