Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A Shortage of Tolerance Among Those Promoting It

Emily Brooker, a student attending Missouri State University, became of victim of political correctness when she opted to abide by her conscience rather than give in to demands that she support a policy that would allow adoptions by homosexuals. Allegedly, a professor of a class, attended by Emily Brooker, assigned a project requiring students to write and sign a letter supporting the adoption policy. The letter was to be sent to the Missouri legislature. Emily refused based on the biblical values she holds.

Consequently Emily was accused of violating "Standards of Essential Functioning in Social Work Education;" a serious charge. The three specific standards which she was alleged to have violated were: Diversity, Interpersonal Skills and Professional Behavior. A threat to withhold her degree was allegedly made.

In addition, Emily was interrogated by an ethics committee composed of faculty members. She was alleged to have been subjected to questions like "Do you think gays and lesbians are sinners?" and "Do you think I am a sinner?"

As a result the Alliance Defense Fund filed a complaint on Emily's behalf in federal district court in support of her First Amendment rights. Although the mainstream media did not pick up on the story, it was publicized by some faith based organizations. A copy of the filed complaint can be viewed here.

The case was settled out of court. The university affirmed Emily's First Amendment rights and cleansed her recodrd of the grievance. The university also agreed to pay Emily's tuition for two years of graduate school. The professor involved was removed from his administrative duties. He is on non-teaching leave for the remainder of the semester.



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